When to Replace Your Concrete Garage Floor with Epoxy Flooring

The garage floor has particular requirements because of the demands of its use. From the weight of equipment and traffic of people and cars to the car emission of heat and corrosive chemicals, the garage naturally requires a type of floor that can withstand all these. If you currently have concrete flooring in your garage for quite a long time and have had unpleasant experiences, maybe it’s time to switch to an epoxy garage floor. To help you decide, here are the signs you should look out for in making that decision.
Signs that You Need to Switch to Epoxy Flooring
By considering replacing your garage floor, you might have seen visible signs of wear and tear. More specifically, here are some things you should bear in mind that will help you decide to replace your garage flooring with epoxy.
- Is your existing concrete 20 to 25 years old? If it has been there for this long, you might need to consider replacing it. Even if it is known to be a durable and resilient material, it will still age and deteriorate. Moreover, if you wish to use it as the base of the epoxy flooring, it might be better for you to have a new concrete floor beneath it to make sure that it will be more resilient for the regular use of the garage.
- Do you observe that your concrete slab is sinking? Note that driveways and pathways are commonly installed in large slabs. It could then be possible that one slab sinks when it is not installed correctly. If this is the case, the slab should be replaced.
- Have you noticed long cracks in your concrete floor? Small cracks are normal and can be repaired by patches. However, if these are long and are affecting the sub-grade, it is better to replace your concrete floor. Remember that cracks in concrete flooring give way to water, which results in further damage.
Why Switch to an Epoxy Garage Floor
If the said conditions are present, you may want to replace your concrete flooring with a new one before pouring epoxy. This will ensure that your epoxy garage floor has a durable, more long-lasting foundation. But if your current concrete is not that old, has no slab issues, or has minimal cracks, it can still work as a good base for the epoxy. Either way, you can surely benefit from your residential epoxy flooring.
Especially for your home’s garage, you can take advantage of epoxy’s resistance to chemicals, heat, water, stain, and shock. Moreover, it is a cost-effective option. Its strength is also admirable as it sufficiently protects the concrete base. Plus, it does not require tedious upkeep. Lastly, it is perfect for vehicles because an epoxy garage floor’s smoothness has little to no reaction from tires.
Get in touch with an epoxy flooring Land O’ Lakes company for all your questions. You may as well request an inspection of your concrete floor to know if it is still viable for epoxy flooring. You can save a lot of money if it is. Otherwise, it is still for your benefit if they suggest that replacing your concrete floor is also needed.